7 Tips to Prepare Yourself For Dental Implants

Dental implants are the best treatment to opt for if you have one or few missing teeth. Implants have become a sought-after restorative treatment that replaces your missing teeth and makes your smile look more aesthetically appealing. Dental implants include a titanium stud that the dentist fuses to your jawbone. Once it integrates properly into the jawbone of your missing teeth, it becomes a strong foundation for artificial teeth such as a dental crown.

Implants fill the gaps left by the lost teeth and keep dental complications at bay. Dental implants offer a permanent solution compared to other treatment options such as dentures. You can contact a qualified dentist and schedule your dental implants Melbourne appointment to obtain an appealing smile and improve your tooth functionality.

After your treatment, your dentist will give you some after-care tips that you may have to follow for a few days. Here is everything associated with the after-care of the treatment.

Eat Soft Meals 

Before surgery, buy or prepare soft foods like smoothies, porridge, pasta, and soups, and store them in the refrigerator. After the procedure, your gums will be slightly sore for a few days. Thus, avoid consuming hard foods such as ice, candies, nuts, or even raw vegetables.

You can process fruits into juices. You can also consume some nutritional shakes as they provide for your body’s dietary requirements during the period. Most importantly, do not consume sugary or starchy products after dental implant treatment.

Avoid Strenuous Activity 

You may need enough rest after dental implant surgery. Thus, do not plan any strenuous events until a week after the implant surgery. The first few days after the operation must be dedicated to resting adequately and caring for your oral cavity.

While the dentist advises some patients to return to their normal routine after three days, you should still avoid a hectic schedule, especially any physical exercise or working out.

Fasting is a Good Idea

If the dentist places you under sedation during your dental implant surgery, they will also inform you to stay away from foods or drinks for at least 8-10 hours before the procedure. Follow this suggestion of your dentist and avoid consuming any form of food.

Do No Drive home Alone 

A dental implant procedure is like surgery. Thus, you must bring some friend, relative or partner to drive you back home after the procedure. Planning for your journey back home should be done beforehand, especially if you will be sedated for the procedure.

Be Regular with Medication

After your implant surgery, your dentist may recommend some painkillers, supplements, and other procedures. You must follow the prescription religiously. Some medications your dentist may suggest abstaining from include supplements of Vitamin C, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oils, etc.

Sleep Properly 

Ensure that you have enough rest the night before the surgery. This way, you may have sufficient energy to recover quickly after the procedure.

Maintain your Oral Hygiene 

Maintaining oral hygiene is one of the essential after-care tips for your implant surgery. Slacking on dental care may lead to unwanted infections and slow the rate of healing. It may also cause your implant to fail prematurely.

Rinse your mouth with warm water after the procedure. Do not use a hard brush. Choose one with soft bristles. Do not brush your teeth very rigorously as it may lead to bleeding, especially at the site of the surgery.


Dental implants have become one of the most sought-after treatments for missing teeth. You must take after-care seriously to recover quickly and maintain your tooth functionality. Follow the above-listed after-care tips now.